Eating to live and train means eating to get the nourishment and energy that your body needs whether you are in off-season, base season or racing/build season.

Eating is not a pastime.

Eating to live and train means being mindful about what you are eating.  What exactly does mindful eating entail besides eating to live?  Well . . .

  • Being fully present during meals . . . you know, not multi-tasking while eating (driving and eating, watching TV and eating, playing/surfing the computer and eating – you get it)
  • Experiencing true physical hunger before eating
  • Eating slowly and recognizing when your stomach is full
  • Investigating what, when and why you eat

One of the first steps to eating to live and train is figure out your eating patterns.  By doing so,  you can learn to eat in a manner that’s going to help you reach your health, fitness and performance goals.  I can help you do this by applying a few simple strategies.  Let’s talk.