How To Be Savvy About Medical Websites

How To Be Savvy About Medical Websites

The internet is chock full of information on just about any topic you wish to learn or research.  Many people use the internet to self-diagnose or research a medical condition they think they have before heading their physician.  Some people start researching after...
You Can Celebrate *and* Maintain

You Can Celebrate *and* Maintain

The average American gains one pound during the holiday season.  This doesn’t seem like much of a problem unless you gain every holiday season and don’t lose it . . . it can slowly add up.  So what can you do to be more mindful of those treats and your portions? Going...

Are You Living With Intention?

Let’s start with a definition.  Intention: a thing intended, an aim or a plan; the action or fact of intending.  Basically, what we are talking about here is transforming thoughts that are percolating back there in your mind into words.  Taking that dream you have and...

Italian “Noodle” Casserole Recipe

Hello all!  I had a fabulous time doing a cooking demo on carb-balanced meals last week.  One of the ideas I presented was using zucchini, carrots, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, etc. in place of pasta.  Yes – veggie noodles.  All it takes is a great little tool...
Turkey and Provolone Wraps Recipe

Turkey and Provolone Wraps Recipe

Sometimes packing lunches or having lunches for on-the-go can test your creativity without getting too boring, right?  Well, I just recently had to do a cooking demo about fast, healthy and easy lunches for a bunch of folks who basically spend their whole day driving....
Barley Salad

Barley Salad

I love experimenting with whole grains.  One unsung grain that is fantastic on the side with lots of veggies and fruits added to make a salad is barley.  It’s got a nutty, sweet flavor.  Barley is high in protein, niacin, folic acid, thiamin, calcium, magnesium...